Notice of Rights for Trafficking Victims

If you are a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons or sex trafficking, you may request Chane Solutions to block adverse items of information on your consumer report if they resulted from trafficking.  You may have rights under the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) § 605C [15 U.S.C. § 1681c-3] in regard to your consumer report data.

If you believe that an item(s) of adverse information within your consumer report is a result of a severe form of trafficking in persons or sex trafficking, you have the right to contact Chane Solutions at the information below to request a block of that information. In order to block the requested information, Chane Solutions must be provided with the following information/documentation:

Proof of Identity 

  • First, Middle, Last Name
  • Any other or previously used names,
  • Current and/or recent full address (street number and name, apt. no., city, state, and zip code),
  • SSN
  • DOB
  • Government-issued identification documents, such as a copy of your driver’s license or other government issued identification card.

Trafficking Documentation 

  • Defined by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as trafficking documentation establishing the status as a trafficking victim (Victim Determination) 
  • Victim determination is generally defined as documentation of a determination that a consumer is a victim of trafficking, made by either:
    • a Federal, State or Tribal governmental entity,
    • a court of competent jurisdiction, which includes certain documents filed in court;
    • a non-governmental organization or human trafficking task force, including victim service providers affiliated with these entities, authorized by a Federal, State, or Tribal government entity; or
  • Self-identify what adverse information on your report was a result of trafficking
    • An “adverse item of information” could include records containing derogatory information, such as payment delinquencies or defaults, records of coerced debt, records of criminal arrests and convictions, and records of evictions or non-payment of rent.

Please mail the above information to one of the mailing addresses below:

  • 500 Office Center Drive, Suite 400, Fort Washington, PA 19034
  • PO Box 8, 575 Pinetown Road, Fort Washington, PA 19034-9998

If you have questions regarding what to provide, please call us at 844-727-6380.

An overview of the Human Trafficking Regulation can be found here: